We see it as our responsibility to give back to the beautiful world so it can be enjoyed by generations to come. We have committed to this cause by creating the ‘One tree: one door’ program, meaning we plant one tree for each door that we sell.
The inaugural event was focused on restoring bushland at the Eric Duffel Bushland Reserve, located 45-minutes south of Centor’s Head Office in Brisbane, Australia. The reserve is part of a large area that is home to a colony of Koalas.
While the land is already covered with vegetation, the planting of native Eucalyptus trees ensures the survival of the Koalas by providing sufficient food and shelter. Centor staff volunteers planted 200 Eucalyptus saplings, made up of three different species.
The event proved to be so popular among Brisbane Head Office staff that attendee names were drawn from a lottery! The common thread among those who were there on the day was about giving back nature while getting to know one another outside the work place.
As the saplings were planted, the location of each one was plotted with GPS. Each individual coordinate is now the unique serial number of a Centor Integrated Door.
New teams of volunteers will follow up will with watering days to ensure the trees continue to flourish.
The planting of native Eucalyptus trees ensures the survival of the Koalas by providing sufficient food and shelter.